Overabove Cowlitz Indian Tribe Comprehensive Plan | Page 29

OBJECTIVE/PURPOSE ACCOUNTABILITY TEAM/UPDATES • Prioritize, based on need and funding, the programs and services offered • Ensure that financial needs of Tribe and Members can be met into the future • Tribal Council • COO • Tribal Manager • Board/ Committee Chairs • Plan and forecast budget dollars to ensure stability and self-sustaining operations for services and programs • Ensure that programs and services that are grant-funded are budgeted correctly and operating within the funding provided • Tribal Council • Tribal Manager • Accounting • Financial obligations and commitments for business enterprises and properties reflect the long-term strategic priorities of the Tribe • Focused attention on evaluating a business or property’s success or failure, ensuring that resources meet the needs and expectations of key stakeholders and that resources, capital and financial, are not wasted, but are maximized for profitability • Tribal Council • COO/Tribal Manager • Accounting • Transparent communication with Members for them to better understand the overall goals of the Council, the role of the government and what is being done to create self-sufficiency, while protecting sovereignty • Tribal Council 27