On Diz Callender
Philip Miller, Enviornmentalist
“If you use up all the green
grass and ponds and the
coves, there’ll be nothing
left for the future.”
Elizabeth “Diz” Callender
When Diz donated the parcel to the Land Trust she stipulated that the preserve be named Osage
Trails, after an American warship that was burned in the cove by the British in the raid of 1814.
In addition to all its natural wonders, this beautiful land gives visitors a glimpse into an Essex
that existed before Diz’s time--a time when the cove was a bustling shipyard producing ocean-
going sailing ships for trade with the West Indies. It was a trade route that was fraught with risks
but richly rewarding for the ship owners and their captains.
Essex Historical Society and Essex Land Trust gratefully acknowledge Diz’s unique sense
of place in her appreciation of the Falls River Cove area, sharing local history and the
natural environment.