Remnants of Falls River Dam
Located over the sluiceway, the grist mill sat partly on the south end of the dam and partly
on the river bank. In return for constructing the dam and grist mill, the Proprietors gave
Hough the right to operate the mill for profit in the form of goods through barter but he was
obligated to process the community’s grains and corn, known as the “Custom Basis.” Hough
was also given property on the southern end of the dam where the grist mill and his house
were located.
The Proprietors of Potapaug established a sawmill on the north side of the dam in 1709 as
a com munity- run facility. Lumber was very often the first “cash crop” for early settlements
and the Proprietors no doubt found it in the best interest of the community to control the
production and export of this important source of trade and income. The Proprietors added a
second sluiceway to the dam to power the sawmill.