Overabove Quarterly View Q4 2023 | Page 3


One of the most exciting parts of our job as marketers is staying ahead of the trends that transform the industries we serve . This year , we ’ ve been making massive strides with AI and helping our clients take advantage of advancements in Web3 . But as 2023 comes to a close – as we admire gorgeous invitations , tie rich velvet ribbons and bite into fresh-baked cookies – we ’ re reminded of the distinct value of things crafted by hand .

This issue of Overabove ’ s Quarterly View celebrates things made by humans , from intricate mail pieces to acts of kindness . And don ’ t miss our OA Family Cookbook ! We ’ re huge champions of marketing tech ( get our Disruption Weekly newsletter if you are too ) but equally in awe of the people that put it to work .

Here ’ s wishing you a holiday season filled with all things rich , fresh-baked and made by hand .